A private investor event just wrapped up in Lisbon, Portugal and one of the standout presentations was by Raph Koster followed by remarks by Eric Goldberg, the founders of Playable Worlds. While the event was a closed-door affair, public comments and feedback on the presentation have appeared publicly on Twitter/X.

Tim Cotten, founder of Scrypted Inc., exclaimed that “…Playable Worlds are doing everything gamers and gamedevs want.”  https://x.com/CottenIO/status/1712896108630802858?s=20

Mark Laursen, Founder & CEO of Bright Star Studios, all commented, “Epic presentation. Truly next level stuff!” https://x.com/MarkLaursen/status/1713214649322078522?s=20

Raph and Eric will be presenting again next week at GamesBeat Next in San Francisco October 23-24.